Vision, Values and Outcomes

Our heart is to see the people of this nation experience the love and peace of God, through a genuine spiritual encounter with Jesus, resulting in a personal relationship with Him, empowered by the unquenchable fire of the Holy Spirit.

Our Core Value
A personal love relationship with God, through Jesus and His sacrifice upon the cross. God the Father provided the solution for the broken relationship between God and man. Through our divine union in Christ each of us has fellowship and harmony with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For us, everything is centered round our personal love relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father, and our relationships with the people around us.

"So I give you now a new commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you’re my true followers."  (John 13:34 TPT also Matthew 22:36-40 NIV)

Our Value Nest
Our values are built from the revelation of the true nature and identity of God. When we know Him personally and intimately, we develop a mindset of trust in His love for us, and his eternal faithfulness towards us.

Key Outcomes of our Vision

  1. The igniting of:
    • Desire for unity in the local church
    • Ongoing and lasting transformation of people and communities
    •  Kingdom focus and expansion
    • A hunger and a passion for God, resulting in a deeper relationship with Him
    • Supernatural signs, wonders and revelation in the church
  2. An awakening of people to live in the Holy Spirit; to become aware of their true identity, position and calling in Christ as the revealed sons and daughters of God
  3. The manifestation of God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven, that brings freedom from demonic strongholds.

What We Believe

The Bible: The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and none may add to or take away from it.
The Trinity : The Godhead eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit and these three are one God.
The Church: The Church consists of all persons who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and made new creations in Christ Jesus.
The Saviour: All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God; through His death and resurrection, all who believe and confess Jesus as Lord can be forgiven and saved from the penalty of death and hell, and from the power of sin.
The Healer: Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Healer, and healing is provided for in the atonement.
The Baptizer : The Lord Jesus Christ is the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit, and this baptism with signs following is promised to every believer.
The Coming King: We believe in the personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ to receive to Himself all born again believers.
The Fruit: Everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour should produce the nine-fold fruit of His Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
The Gifts: The Church should claim and manifest the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8-10).
The Ministry: God has given some to be Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelists, some Pastors and some teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and for the edification of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12).
The Future State: We believe in the resurrection of the dead, the eternal life to all true believers in Christ.